Crushing the IPhone 7 Under the Hydraulic Press
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Hydraulic Press Channel It seems like a lot of course YouTube channels have to jump on trends to stay relevant nowadays. »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Hydraulic Press Channel It seems like a lot of course YouTube channels have to jump on trends to stay relevant nowadays. »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Drone Racing League We seriously can't get tired of those drone racing videos. The hype around this sport is like nothing »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Jason Goecke Welcome to the future. A few weeks back we showed you the video of a guy who managed to »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel RealGangstersGiggle It's not the first time that we saw someone built an homemade smart mirror but this one is particularly well »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Navin Khambhala # crazyNK It's more of a cute creative project than an awesome innovative idea but I have to say I »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel GizmoSlip As we saw before, this dude has one of the weirdest and coolest job of our time: he destroys phones »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel jryanishere With the help of an Amazon Echo (Alexa), a Raspberry Pi, a Bluetooth dongle and some code he wrote, this »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel The Coca-Cola Co. Is coca cola entering the tech game? Probably not! But they for sure know how to create a »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel jurvetson It's a bit awkward to see this kind of interaction for the first time. Dog vs Robot, Animal vs Machine. »