Clearing the Deep Snow Off a Norwegian Mountain Road (Drone Footage)
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Vegvesenet This Norwegian road was closed all winter because of the weather and its exposure to avalanche. But when the season »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Vegvesenet This Norwegian road was closed all winter because of the weather and its exposure to avalanche. But when the season »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel JBirdx665 I'm sure you found yourself trying to reflect the light from the sun with your phone or a watch in »
Source: Imgur This is f**king genius. This guy was very hungry and there wasn't any food available on the train, so he called Dominos to »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel LewisGetsACookie Imagine a casual evening while you're hanging out on Facebook and then a random cat starts meowing at your window. »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Matt Stonie This is beyond crazy! The YouTuber Matt Stonie managed to eat a dozen of krispy kreme donuts in 34 »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Jason Goecke Welcome to the future. A few weeks back we showed you the video of a guy who managed to »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel RealGangstersGiggle It's not the first time that we saw someone built an homemade smart mirror but this one is particularly well »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel DenverFinn With an camera placed above the iPad and a robot with arms to tap on each column of tiles, this »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Michael Luke The twins are only one week old but they already got some moves. They were caught dancing by the »