Flickr photo by 401(K) 2012
I don't know the aim of this new trend on the hashtag #HowNotToBePoor, but between two jokes the people even give some good advice on how to manage our money and debt, as well as sharing sad realities.
Here are the tweets that gave us a good smile, despite the sensitive subject.
#HowNotToBePoor build a "start up" in one of the garages of your parents mansion, then marry the daughter of the VC who funds it
— liza sabater (@blogdiva) October 24, 2015
Work twice as hard, be twice as good, get paid a quarter as much and do it in three jobs at once. #HowNotToBePoor
— Plañetary Moisés (@OtherOrbScience) October 24, 2015
#HowNotToBePoor Avoid unimportant jobs like "public school teacher" and try for important jobs like "CEO."
— IEatMRBraaaaaiiins (@KivaBay) October 24, 2015
#HowNotToBePoor Name your kid something "Respectable" like Susan so she can get hired as CEO. Susans are natural leaders & super geniuses!!
— A_Shayme (@Bat_MaaM) October 24, 2015
#HowNotToBePoor Don't go to college. Get a job working for your dad's buddy that you're not qualified for, and never change occupation.
— Dana Addams [clicks] (@TheDanaAddams) October 24, 2015
#HowNotToBePoor: Go back in time and implant yourself as a fertilized egg in a rich person's womb
— Amy Dentata (@AmyDentata) October 24, 2015
The #HowNotToBePoor trending topic is... ...just is.
— Ter Bear (@TeaForTeri) October 24, 2015