We hear a lot of things an allegations about what YouTube's new service YouTube Red coming in the USA next Wednesday really is.
In this video, Joe Thio, a video producer and creator adviser explains what exactly the subscription is about, what it implies for the video creators (Youtubers), and where the money will actually be used by Google.
To recap briefly, YouTube Red is a service that will get rid of all the ads on every platform (PC, mobile, TV..) and include their new music streaming service including just listening to the audio of a YouTube video in the background, and finally, this will allow the access to exclusive content.
The price? $9.99 a month, but if you're already subscribed to music key or google play music all access, YouTube Red will be included with no extra charge!
As Joe explained, the money will be distributed to the creators proportionally to time spent on the youtubers channel, and will also be used to produce original content.
What do you think about it, will you subscribe?