Can You Ride a Skateboard That Has 3D Printed Wheels?
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Braille Skateboarding A fan of this YouTube channel send them 3D printed wheels to use on a skateboard. And of course »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Braille Skateboarding A fan of this YouTube channel send them 3D printed wheels to use on a skateboard. And of course »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel DemolitionRanch And of course the answer is... it depends of the gun you'll use. This thing resisted a handful of powerful »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel NASA Johnson Of course astronauts play ping pong in their spaceships! But not with your regular plastic ball... In this video, »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Mark Rober The YouTuber Mark Rober explains the science behind the fog your the windshield of your car and the fastest »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Miller Wilson This kid sure knows what he's doing! The video starts with the boy looking for stingrays while explaining everything »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Crazy Russian Hacker I'm sure you once wondered what would happen if you filled too much air into a sport ball. »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel kreosan These Russians brought Coke experiments to the next level. They attached three bottles of Coca Cola to a plastic pipe, »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel engineerguy Bill Hammack, a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois, realased a video on the »
This video is a collaboration between the two awesome YouTube channels AsapTHOUGHT and This Exists, both focused on science subjects. We all love music, but how »