Man Builds a Robot to Cheat on Piano Tiles 2
Screenshot from the YouTube channel DenverFinn With an camera placed above the iPad and a robot with arms to tap on each column of tiles, this »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel DenverFinn With an camera placed above the iPad and a robot with arms to tap on each column of tiles, this »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Maddox You probably already heard (or maybe have thought this yourself) someone complaining about why would anybody watch other people play »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel UKOGmonkey Who says you can't do two things at the same time? This guitar hero player plays while exercising on his »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel Darkk Mane Well, OK, it's more of a comedy sketch than your typical game review haha Here are Darkk Mane's though »
Source : Imgur Nope, watching hours of game play isn't the only thing that will make you better at gaming. The wife of this nerd took a »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel AndrewMFilms The amazing and talented filmmaker from the YouTube channel Andrew M Films just released a video that shows a realistic »
Screenshot from the YouTube channel RealmPicturesThis isn't the first attempt at this original concept as the same team did it before. This is the second level »
Want to play Rocket League in real life? The guys over at Corridor Digital are back with this short but amazing video full of action and »