Screenshot from the YouTube channel Andy Gillion
The talented musician and singer Andy Gillion just released an impressive cover of the song Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody.
Here is the comment of the artist:
It's taken me 13 years and about 6 or 7 failed attempts but here it is. I can't tell you how many hours I spent working on this – learning every part on every instrument, having to meticulously listen to milliseconds of music at a time to map out every vocal harmony, and then transposing it all down 4 semitones to fit my vocal range and learning it all over again.
I’ve been trying to do it justice since my first recording on my old 8-track when I was 14. There’s a reason I’ve never heard anyone trying to cover it before – it’s a complete ballache, and like an endless journey through the insane mind of Freddy Mercury, but for which I finally feel like I really understand the song.