Flickr photo by Cliff
We all have our holiday rituals and traditions, whether it comes to food or to gifts for example.
The people on Twitter thought it would be great to share these little, sometimes secret, traditions to the world with the hashtag #LittleKnownHolidayTraditions.
Here is the top 8 of the holiday traditions you probably never heard about.
#LittleKnownHolidayTraditions put the Christmas tree back up every time the cat knocks it over. πΊπ
— Tidy Cats (@TidyCats) December 8, 2015
Gathering the neighborhood children to tell them Santa isn't real & then send them home crying. #LittleKnownHolidayTraditions
— Jeff Dwoskin (@bigmacher) December 8, 2015
Holiday instructions #LittleKnownHolidayTraditions pic.twitter.com/mj6QPx9QzM
— Giselle Evans (@GiselleEvns) December 8, 2015
Get really wasted and tackle the tree! #LittleKnownHolidayTraditions pic.twitter.com/XSCpPojBqy
— John Berkowitz (@johneberkowitz) December 8, 2015
Locking your mother in the bathroom until she sobers up.
— Sean O Farrell (@sofarrsogud) December 8, 2015
Eggnog and Chill
#LittleKnownHolidayTraditions @adriennefunny
— Hanson Flambe (@GuapoFlames) December 8, 2015
#LittleKnownHolidayTraditions eating the cookies left out for Santa
— Judith Cole (@AuntCole22) December 8, 2015
Wrapping stuff the kids forgot they had #LittleKnownHolidayTraditions
— Aaron Weinbaum (@aaronsayswhat1) December 8, 2015